23 set di icone e bottoni

Poco da dire, tutta da guardare e da utilizzare, ecco una lista di 23 pack diversi contenenti icone e bottoni che potrete usare nei vostri siti o blog. Avete l’imbarazzo della scelta, i pack sono tutti bellissimi, al livello delle icone proposte da Vistaicons e da Websiteicons. Ecco a voi la lista:

1. Notes Icons

Notes Icons

2. iMac Icons from FreeIconsWeb.com


3. Pixel Press Icons (.dmg, Mac only)

Press Icons

4. Vista Icons (for private purposes only, 2000 icons, 256×256, .png).


5. Desktop Icons (for private purposes only, icon sets are available for PC and Mac).



6. Browsing Dock Icons

Icons Pack

7. Iconfactory Freeware Icon Sets

8. WebSiteIcons.net

9. Toolbar Icons by Matt Ball

10. Crystal Clear

11. Office Icons

12. Shopping Cart Icon

13. Deziner Folio .

14. Bittbox offers vector graphics for professional design: e.g. 35 Free Abstract Illustrator Brushes.

15. 25 Free Vector Drips, Drops, and Splatters. Besides: Free Vector Grunge Set. Both are available in Adobe Illustrator format or as .eps-files.

16. Icon-Set for Bloggers by Sonia Anepeta.

17. Web 2.0 Icons by Utombox.

18. 77 Vectorbuttons


19. Web 2.0 Date Icons For Your Blog.


20. 9 Web 2.0 Badges.

21. Bitbox offers free glossy design layouts, which can be used in Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. Among them: Vector Badges, Glass Buttons and Bars, Web Page Elements, Header Designs and RSS-Icons.


Bittbox also gives away various Adobe Illustrator-templates for modern web design. Among them Buttons, Badges, RSS-Icons, Ecken and numerous Icons.


22. Microformats Icon

23. Microformats Icons

Via | smashingmagazine.com

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