Le Twitter Apps ancora in ginocchio a causa dell’attacco contro Twitter

Twitter Apps

Vi avevamo parlato ieri dei recenti problemi di sicurezza di Twitter, problemi che hanno portato il secondo Social Network più usato al mondo a subire un lungo attacco DDoS, Distributed Denial of Service, il quale secondo il co-fondatore Biz Stone sarebbe addirittura scaturito da forti motivazioni geopolitiche, dovute al recente conflitto politico tra Russia e Georgia.

Purtroppo per la moltitudine di utenti che utilizzano Twitter, anche le applicazioni sviluppate da developers di terze parti, comunemente chiamate Twitter Apps, stanno riscontrando grossi malfunzionamenti dovuti all’attacco ancora in corso. Visto che queste applicazioni, di cui alcune molto famose (come ad esempio UberTwitter per BlackBerry) sfruttano le API del famoso Social Network, i problemi che le affliggono cesseranno nel momento in cui cesserà il devastante attacco sferrato contro Twitter.

Nel frattempo Ryan Sarver, il Product Manager delle API di Twitter, ha rilasciato una dichiarazione su quanto accaduto e su cosa si sta facendo per limitare i danni:

I wanted to send an update to everyone who is monitoring this thread and
keep you abreast of where we stand.
First of all, the attack is still on going. We continue to work with our
service provider and the other companies who are being attacked to resolve
the issue as best we can. But it is continuing and as Chad stated, we are
thus going to have continued and varied issues with access to the Twitter

Second, we have been monitoring every email and Chad and John have done a
great job responding to the threads where we have new information to add or
where we can clarify. As Chad stated in his last email there are known
issues that we are continuing to work on. We are trying to provide updates
when we have new information, but sadly there isn’t a lot new to report.
Please know that we can’t respond to each and every thread as our teams
time, in your best interest, should be put towards getting you all back
online as soon as possible. Please help each other answer questions if
someone already knows the answer. I will continue to give ongoing updates
every 5-6 hours throughout the day even if nothing has changed so that you
know we are still focused on it.

To be clear we have a large group of people working on this throughout the
weekend and our developer ecosystem is incredibly important to us. Please
believe us that this hurts us as much as it hurts you and we want to get you
back online as soon as possible. We are endlessly appreciative for the hard
work that each of you put into your applications and supporting Twitter
users and we want those services to be online and back to normal.

With that being said, this attack is continuing, almost 3 days later, and we
need to continue to do all that we can to defend it. Have faith that we have
the best people on it both at Twitter and at our partner’s companies.

L’invito è a non tempestare di richieste, segnalazioni ed altro il team di sviluppo, lasciando che lavori in pace. Nonostante tutto, i danni non sono stati irreparabili, le applicazioni di terze parti stanno lentamente tornando a funzionare e tutto sembra andare per il meglio, anche se l’allarme cesserà del tutto solo quando sarà scomparsa ogni singola minaccia.

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