Ufficiale l’aggiornamento Nougat per Asus ZenFone 3 in Italia: i dettagli

Importanti novità quelle che trapelano proprio in queste ore per gli utenti che hanno deciso di acquistare un Asus ZenFone 3 qui in Italia. Il produttore, dopo una lunga attesa, ha finalmente dato il via alla distribuzione dell’aggiornamento del sistema operativo Android Nougat, mettendo la parola fine ad una lunghissima attesa.

Cosa è contenuto nel pacchetto software? Il changelog ufficiale è bello corposo, e va analizzato con grande attenzione da chi dispone di uno degli Asus ZenFone 3 interessati:

1. Software update to Android 7.0 Nougat. Internal storage will decrease slightly after update, suggest to backup data and relocate media file (pictures & video clip) to SD card to reserve at least 1.5GB storage  before starting the software update.

2. Add bundled notifications switch. (Settings > Notification > Configure notifications)
When multiple notifications for a single app are received, they can be bundled together into a single group. This group can be expanded to see the individual messages.
3. Improve Touch performance.
4. Remove “Share Link”
For user who upgrade from Android M to Android N, ASUS Share link will not work properly, please use the following alternative solutions.
Other alternative apps:

https://play.google.com/store/ap … om.asus.filemanager

5. Remove redundant app shortcuts “Audio Wizard”、 “Splendid” 、“System update” and “Flashlight” from all apps menu.

6. Remove ”PC Suite” (CD ROM)
7. Remove “Tap and hold to show menu” form Settings > ASUS customized settings > Touch key setting.
Add “Tap and hold to activate Multi-window ” in Touch key setting.
8. Quick Settings supports multiple pages , user can swipe left to right to see more quick settings if using more than 12.

9. Split “Ringtone & Notifications” volume bar into “Ringtone” and “Notification” volume bars on “Volume Panel” and “Sound & Vibration” Settings.
Users can apply this feature by disabling “Sync volumes” from “Settings” -> “Sound & Vibration”
10. For user who use Easy mode, a Launcher app menu will show on the screen after upgrading from Android M to Android N. Please select your default launcher again.
11. For user who use Easy mode, the launcher will turn back to the default launcher after upgrade from Android M to Android N. Please turn it on from “Settings” > “Easy mode”.
12. For user who upgrade from Android M to Android N and do Factory reset, the home workspace will be updated to the new layout.
13. Enable FET VoLte and Vowifi

Vi ricordiamo che l’aggiornamento Nougat in queste ore sta investendo le versioni ZE552KL e ZE520KL dell’Asus ZenFone 3 in commercio.