Rilasciato uTorrent v3 Alpha: Ecco le principali novità

Da tempo gli sviluppatori dell’amato uTorrent cercano di fare il grande passo per portarlo a girare bene non solo su Windows, ma anche su OSX. Difatti, è di circa un mese fa che si è riusciti con successo a dar vita alla prima release stabile completamente funzionante in ambiente Apple.

E proprio lavorando su questo ottimo passo, gli stessi sviluppatori hanno cominciato a lavorare sulla sua prossima versione: uTorrent 3.

Infatti, è ora disponibile la versione Alpha della terza versione di uTorrent, con la buonissima notizia che uTorrent supporta correttamente il controllo remoto (tramite comodissima interfaccia web), del programma da qualunque dispositivo capace di connettersi ad internet, quindi anche telefonini e smartphone (Android e tutti gli iOS), semplicemente accedendo a

Da lì si possono eseguire la maggior parte delle operazioni che il programma consente di fare in locale, come aggiungere nuovi torrent da un indirizzo web o gestire i download in corso.

Fino ad ora l’ultima Alpha è disponibile soltanto per Windows, in questo modo si potrà sviluppare tutte le nuove funzioni senza preoccuparsi, almeno per ora, delle compatibilità di sistemi. Speriamo non troppo tardi.

Link ¦ uTorrent Alpha 3

Prima di lasciarvi, vi posto il changelog di tutte le alpha fino ad oggi (03/08/2010) sviluppate:

–2010-07-30: Version 3.0 (build 20814)
– Fix: Selected / sorting column no longer reverts to default.
– Feature: Make utorrent deal properly with unmounted volumes on startup.

–2010-07-29: Version 3.0 (build 20777)
– Fix: Crash when running BitDefender or adding torrents via btapp

— 2010-07-28: Version 3.0 (build 20759)
– Fix: Crash during btapp installs – double permission requests
– Fix: Crash during btapp install
– Fix: Crash in AddImage
– Change: add mousewheel scrolling

— 2010-07-22: Version 3.0 (build 20680)
– Fix: Crash during btapp install.
– Fix: Crash when privileged btapp is loaded and torrent status changed.
– Fix: Crash in speed guide when exiting dialog early.
– Feature: “Security Question” can be used to migrate uTorrent Web username between computers
– Change: disable IPv6 on Win7 by default. Could be turned on using net.disable_ipv6 property.
– Change: Add Find Content Pane
– Change: sidebar separators and layout
– Change: context sensitive toolbars
– Change: new flat, green artwork
– Fix: save selected item in sidebar
– Change: added more default search engines
– Fix: fixed string truncation of &ip= parameter to trackers when on IPv6
– Change: add openbittorrent and publicbt as default trackers when creating torrents
– Fix: fixed progress bar when downloading over HTTP directly to a file
– Fix: crash in network thread

— 2010-07-13: Version 3.0 (build 20533)
– Fix: Show correct app state if apps hidden then displayed in prefs.
– Change: clear dont fragment bit for UDP traffic
– Change: lower the estimated path MTU 1393 bytes

— 2010-07-09: Version 3.0 (build 20507)
– Fix: apps pane not showing in the sidebar if no apps installed

— 2010-07-09: Version 3.0 (build 20504)
– Fix: attempt another crash fix in the new choker
– Fix: set dont fragment bit for UDP traffic

— 2010-07-06: Version 3.0 (build 20402)
– Fix: super verbose logging was always enabled
– Fix: fixed uTP crash in rate limiter

— 2010-07-02: Version 3.0 (build 20385)
– Fix: fixed common crash in new choker
– Change: raise half-open connection limit on post XP systems back to 100

— 2010-07-01: Version 3.0 (build 20355)
– Change: lowered half-open connection limit on post XP systems to 25
– Fix: connect overhead graph was broken
– Change: lowered default connect speed from 10 to 7
– Change: increase timeouts and have fewer re-sends when connecting to uTP peers. This reduces some overhead
– Change: only rate limit local uTP sockets if both uTP sockets are limited and ‘limit local peers’ is set
– Fix: added support for utf8 in btapp files. Javascript files can now contain Japanese and it will be correctly displayed
– Fix: graph TCP rates when uTP is not rate limited, even when tcp_rate_control is off
– Fix: fixed bug where “apply rate limit to uTP” would get unchecked by itself

— 2010-06-24: Version 3.0 (build 20228)
– Fix: fixed uTP crash on sockets being closed with uninitialized read buffers
– Fix: default download directory fix for multifile torrents
– Change: rate limit uTP by default
– Fix: Fixed fast-resend bug in selective ack handling in uTP. This could cause too aggressive resends on packet loss
– Change: fix crash when formatting a string with NULL
– Change: make uTP slightly less aggressive on loss
– Change: Mention uTP in settings and reorganize new bandwidth checkbox since they apply to both up and down limits
– Change: Render TCP rates in speed graph when uTP is not throttled
– Change: Moved net.calc_overhead to the Bandwidth settings pane
– Fix: RSS items show a different icon if disabled
– Change: Turn on uTP throttling when scheduler is in “limited” mode
– Fix: Fixed a delayed ack issue in uTP (lowers overhead)
– Fix: RSS items would show when torrent list was empty
– Fix: made magnet links in RSS feeds work
– Change: made uTP packet size increase based on low delay measurements
– Fix: made uTP packet size depend on total send rate, not just uTP send rate
– Change: new advanced settings net.disable_ipv6 that defaults to True on 64bit Windows
– Change: Don’t show add torrent dialog by default.
– Feature: Add checkbox to disable UDP trackers

Via ¦ Softpedia