Google ha ufficializzato il passaggio di Chrome 25 nello stable channel, questo significa che il browser ha raggiunto la piena maturità ed è disponibile per il download come release stabile. Come al solito, il programma è disponibile per tutti i principali sistemi operativi (Windows, OS X e Linux) ed anche in lingua italiana.
Fra le novità principali di questa versione c’è il supporto alle Web Speech API, attraverso le quali le applicazioni Web potranno sfruttare delle funzioni avanzate di riconoscimento vocale. Dopo l’update, potete testare la feature collegandovi a questa pagina e selezionando la voce Italiano dal menu a tendina che si trova in basso.
Per gli utenti Windows, è stata inoltre disattivata l’installazione silenziosa dei componenti aggiuntivi, il che dovrebbe aumentare la sicurezza del browser. Il resto delle novità, nel changelog ufficiale:
- Improvements in managing and securing your extensions
- Better support for HTML5 time/date inputs
- JavaScript Web Speech API support
- Better WebGL error handling
- And lots of other features for developers
Security fixes and rewards:
- Please see the Chromium security page for more detail. Note that the referenced bugs may be kept private until a majority of our users are up to date with the fix.
- [$1000] [172243] High CVE-2013-0879: Memory corruption with web audio node. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- [$1000] [171951] High CVE-2013-0880: Use-after-free in database handling. Credit to Chamal de Silva.
- [$500] [167069] Medium CVE-2013-0881: Bad read in Matroska handling. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- [$500] [165432] High CVE-2013-0882: Bad memory access with excessive SVG parameters. Credit to Renata Hodovan.
- [$500] [142169] Medium CVE-2013-0883: Bad read in Skia. Credit to Atte Kettunen of OUSPG.
- [172984] Low CVE-2013-0884: Inappropriate load of NaCl. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Evans).
- [172369] Medium CVE-2013-0885: Too many API permissions granted to web store.
- [Mac only] [171569] Medium CVE-2013-0886: Incorrect NaCl signal handling. Credit to Mark Seaborn of the Chromium development community.
- [171065] [170836] Low CVE-2013-0887: Developer tools process has too many permissions and places too much trust in the connected server.
- [170666] Medium CVE-2013-0888: Out-of-bounds read in Skia. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
- [170569] Low CVE-2013-0889: Tighten user gesture check for dangerous file downloads.
- [169973] [169966] High CVE-2013-0890: Memory safety issues across the IPC layer. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Evans).
- [169685] High CVE-2013-0891: Integer overflow in blob handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Jüri Aedla).
- [169295] [168710] [166493] [165836] [165747] [164958] [164946] Medium CVE-2013-0892: Lower severity issues across the IPC layer. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Chris Evans).
- [168570] Medium CVE-2013-0893: Race condition in media handling. Credit to Andrew Scherkus of the Chromium development community.
- [168473] High CVE-2013-0894: Buffer overflow in vorbis decoding. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
- [Linux / Mac] [167840] High CVE-2013-0895: Incorrect path handling in file copying. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Jüri Aedla).
- [166708] High CVE-2013-0896: Memory management issues in plug-in message handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Cris Neckar).
- [165537] Low CVE-2013-0897: Off-by-one read in PDF. Credit to Mateusz Jurczyk, with contributions by Gynvael Coldwind, both from Google Security Team.
- [164643] High CVE-2013-0898: Use-after-free in URL handling. Credit to Alexander Potapenko of the Chromium development community.
- [160480] Low CVE-2013-0899: Integer overflow in Opus handling. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Jüri Aedla).
- [152442] Medium CVE-2013-0900: Race condition in ICU. Credit to Google Chrome Security Team (Inferno).
Chrome 25 si può scaricare dal sito ufficiale del browser e viene distribuito automaticamente tramite il famosissimo sistema di aggiornamenti automatici del programma. Enjoy!